
I am Amir Ali. A geek, web developer, interested in Linux and software Freelancer, hardware and software programmer and lover of learning and sharing putting things Also active in the field of UI & UX design, artificial intelligence , security, Internet of things, gadgets, mobile, computer and laptop] and one of Xecudo team members. Almost fluent in English. From the work of the challenge Inspiring like installation and development of custom ROM for Android phones and installation I like Hackintosh and I try many things through solving problems and Learn the challenges of these jobs.


  • 12th grade mechatronics student
    2021 — 2024

    Mechatronics engineering (in English: mechatronics engineering) (mechanism and electronics), a combination of seven fields of mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, control engineering, telecommunication engineering, engineering The project is computer engineering and molecular engineering. This field is trying It takes a holistic view of systems made up of components have mechanical, electronic, control and software


Programming languages and frameworks : [ Html, Css, Tailwind Css, Sass , javascript , Arduino , Pyhton , React ]
Other skills : [ Photoshop, Premiere, Soldering SMD Parts ]




Challenging experiences Music Robotic Team work Creativity